It’s amazing how much misinformation is out there about the different flat panel technologies. I hear it almost everyday; “don’t plasmas burn in?” or “isn’t there more glare on the plasma screen” and so on and so on. I think I’ll scream if I hear someone tell me that the heard that Plasma’s need to be recharged, like they leak gas or something.
The reality of the situation is that most people will probably never see the minor differences between a better plasma and a better LCD. Plasma’s actually offer the best picture quality if you want to be a video geek. They have better black levels which help with shadow detail and gives more vibrancy in the colors. The plasma panel also handles motion better which is most obvious during sporting events and also when you try to read that scrolling text on the bottom of ESPN or CNN. LCD screens tend to make the text and fast motion look blurry if it goes too fast.
There is a new technology that is being used in all of the new LCD screens that helps them with fast motion. Different manufacturers call it different things but all of them have 120hz in the title somewhere. Basically what it does is speeds up the processing of the TV so there is less of the blur showing up on the screen. It does a good job of getting rid of most of the blur but still does not get rid of all of it. The biggest advantage that the LCD has is if you have a very bright room and you mainly watch TV during the day, the LCD will be able to compensate better than a plasma can. An LCD also has no possibility of having screen burn in. Screen burn in is less likely on a Plasma then it is on an old CRT (tube) TV though so there really isn’t much to worry about.
Bottom line; both technologies are awesome and you will be happy with either one. My best suggestion is get the one you like the most, has all features you want and you will never go wrong.
Plasma’s, LCD’s and Bears oh my!!
Jim Carter's Technology Blog
Posted 3/7/2008